Polynomial addition is one of the application of the Linkedlist data Structure . Polynomial addition can be implemented with arrays as well . A computer cannot understand the polynomial and how to add two polynomials . The main variables to be declared for polynomial addition are :
1. Cofficient
2. power
3. address of the next term
Thus the required memory declaration for representation of a polynomial with integer coefficients are :
Also check : program for Queue in c++
The above code for Polynomial addition using Linkedlist in c++ is little lengthy . So You can download program for addition of Polynomials using Linked list in C++
1. Cofficient
2. power
3. address of the next term
Thus the required memory declaration for representation of a polynomial with integer coefficients are :
class nodewith these declarations we can write a program for polynomial addition using Linkedlist in C++
public :
int coeff;
int power;
node *next;
class polynomial
private :
node *head;
public :
void read();
void display();
Addition of Polynomials using LinkedList :
Mathematically we write the polynomial terms with same power under each other and then we add the coefficients . This is illustrated for addtion of two following polynomials .Algorithm for Polynomial Addition using Linkedlist :
- The terms of the polynomial are scanned from left to right .
- The term with powers that occur only in one polynomial are simply copied into the resulting polynomial .
- The coefficients of terms with same powers are added and then the new term is copied into the resulting polynomial .
Program for Polynomial addition using Linkedlist in C++
#include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<ctype.h> class node { public : int coeff; int power; node *next; }; class polynomial { private : node *head; public : polynomial() { head=NULL; } ~polynomial(); void read(); void display(); void add(polynomial &p1,polynomial &p2); void addnodeatend(int coef,int power); }; void polynomial::add(polynomial &p1,polynomial &p2) { node *ptr1,*ptr2; int powe; int coef; ptr1=p1.head; ptr2=p2.head; while((ptr1!=NULL)&&(ptr2!=NULL)) { if(ptr1->power > ptr2->power) { coef=ptr1->coeff; powe=ptr1->power; ptr1=ptr1->next; } else if(ptr1->power < ptr2->power) { coef=ptr2->coeff; powe=ptr1->power; ptr2=ptr2->next; } else { coeff=ptr1->coeff+ptr2->coeff; powe=ptr1->power; ptr1=ptr1->next; ptr2=ptr2->next; } if(coef!=0) addnodeatend(coef,powe); } if(ptr1==NULL) { for(;ptr2!=NULL;pt2=ptr2->next) addnodeatend(ptr2->coeff,ptr2->power); } else if(ptr2==NULL) { for(;pt1!=NULL;ptr1=ptr1->next) addnodeatend(ptr1->coeff,ptr1->power); } } void polynomial::addnodeatend(int coef,int power) { node *ptr1,*ptr2; ptr1=new node; ptr1->coeff=coef; ptr1->power=powe; ptr1->next=NULL; if(head==NULL) { head=ptr1; } else { ptr2=head; while(ptr2->next!=NULL) { ptr2=ptr2->next; } ptr2->next=ptr1; } } void polynomial::read() { char ch; int coef,powe; cout<<"\nEnter the terms in descending order of power"; while(1) { cout<<"\nEnter the degree of x :"; cin>>powe; cout<<"\nEnter the coefficient :"; cin>>coef; addnodeatend(coef,powe); cout<<"\nAny more term (Y/N) ? :"; cin>>ch; if(toupper(ch)=='Y') continue; else break; } } void polynomial::display() { if(head!=NULL) cout<<head->coeff<<"x^"<<head->power; node *ptr=head; for(ptr=ptr->next;ptr!=NULL;ptr=ptr->next) { if(ptr->coeff!=0) { if(ptr->coeff>0) cout<<"+"; if(ptr->coeff<0) { cout<<"-"; ptr->coeff=-ptr->coeff; } if(ptr->power==0) cout<<ptr->coeff; else if(ptr->power==1) cout<<ptr->coeff<<"x"; else cout<<ptr->coeff<<"x^"<<ptr->power; } } } polynomial::~polynomial() { node *temp,*ptr=head; while(ptr!=0) { temp=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; delete temp; } } void main() { polynomial poly1,poly2,poly3; cout<<"\nPolynomial to add two polynomials:"; cout<<"\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n"; cout<<"Enter first polynomial\n"; poly1.read(); cout<<"\n\nEnter second polynomial\n"; poly2.read(); poly3.add(poly1,poly2); cout<<"\nSum of polynomials\n\n"; poly1.display(); cout<<"\n\nand\n\n"; poly2.display(); cout<<"\n\nis\n\n"; poly3.display(); }
The above code for Polynomial addition using Linkedlist in c++ is little lengthy . So You can download program for addition of Polynomials using Linked list in C++
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