Stack is an Abstract Data Type and common Data Structure . Stack is an ordered list which is used in performing the the operations such as Insertion (Push) , Deletion (Pop) , Top can be performed easily.
Stack refers to "Last In First Out" Principle (LIFO)
1. Stack Data structures is mainly used in Evaluating the Expressions and Syntax parsing .
2. Stack Data Type is used in conversion of Decimal number to Binary number.
3. Stack is used in the application of the Quick Sort to sort a given array or List . Quick sort is one of the efficient sorting techniques which is based on Divide and conquer algorithm .
4. BackTracking is other major applications of stack . In the maze problems backtracking helps to trace the previous path and each path is stored in the form of stack data structure .
Also check : Implementation and program for complete Binary Tree using C++
The above program is implemented using Templates and Object Oriented Programming in c++ .
If I have missed anything Please get it to me through comments . Also comment your logic and idea for improvement of the program . If you feel the program for stack can be implemented in another best way please comment below .
Stack refers to "Last In First Out" Principle (LIFO)
Applications of Stack :
As there are many applications in the field of computer science . Here I will list few major applications of the stack .1. Stack Data structures is mainly used in Evaluating the Expressions and Syntax parsing .
2. Stack Data Type is used in conversion of Decimal number to Binary number.
3. Stack is used in the application of the Quick Sort to sort a given array or List . Quick sort is one of the efficient sorting techniques which is based on Divide and conquer algorithm .
4. BackTracking is other major applications of stack . In the maze problems backtracking helps to trace the previous path and each path is stored in the form of stack data structure .
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Image credits:my.opera.com |
Push :
Push is an operation or function which helps in inserting an element into the stack .Pop :
Pop is an operation similar to Deletion which helps in deleting or removing an element from the stack .Top :
Top is a function used to display topmost element in the stack .
Also check : Implementation and program for complete Binary Tree using C++
Program for Stack and Implementation Using C++
#include<iostream> using namespace std; template <class T> class stack { public : T *a; int top,size; stack() { top=-1; cout<<"\nEnter size of array :"<<endl; cin>>size; a=new T[size]; } int isfull() { if(top==(size-1)) return 1; else return 0; } int isempty() { if(top==-1) return 1; else return 0; } void topp() { if(isempty()) cout<<"\nStack Underflow"<<endl; else cout<<"\nTop Element is "<<a[top-1]<<endl; } void push() { T n; if(isfull()) cout<<"\nStack Overflow"<<endl; else { cout<<"\nEnter an element"<<endl; cin>>n; a[top++]=n; cout<<"\nElement Inserted Succesfully"<<endl; } } void pop() { if(isempty()) cout<<"\nStack Underflow"<<endl; else top=top-1; cout<<"\nElement Deleted successfully"<<endl; } }; int main() { stack <int>s; int i=0,k; while(i!=1) { cout<<"\n******************M E N U**************\n"; cout<<"1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Top\n4.Exit\n"; cout<<"\n***************************************\n"; cout<<"\nEnter option "; cin>>k; switch(k) { case 1: s.push(); break; case 2: s.pop(); break; case 3: s.topp(); break; case 4: i=1; break; default : cout<<"\n------- Wrong Option -------\n"; break; } } return 0; }
Output of the Program :
The above program is implemented using Templates and Object Oriented Programming in c++ .
If I have missed anything Please get it to me through comments . Also comment your logic and idea for improvement of the program . If you feel the program for stack can be implemented in another best way please comment below .
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