Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that uses the divide and conquer strategy . In this method division is dynamically carried out . The Three steps of quicksort are as follows .
1) Divide :Rearrange the elements and split the array into two sub arrays and an element in between .Each element in the left sub array is less than or equal to the middle element and each element in the right sub array is greater than the middle element .
2) Conquer : Recursively sort the two sub arrays .
3) Combine : Combine all the sorted elements in a group to form a list if sorted elements .
Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that also,like merge sort .This algorithm finds the element called pivot , that partitions the array into two halves in such a way that the elements in the left sub array are less then and the elements in the right subarrays are sorted separately .This procedure is recursive in nature with the base criteria,the number of elements in the array are not more than 1.
The main task in quick sort is to find the element that partitions the array into two halves and to place it at its proper location in the array .Usually the procedure places the first element in the array at its appropriate location .
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This task is performed as stated below ,
To begin with ,set the index of the first element of the array to 'loc' and 'left' variables and index of the last element of the array to right variable .
Then proceed as follows ,
Quicksortrecursive( a , lb , ub)
Also check: Threaded Binary Tree structure and Traversal
Therefore , the total comparisons are ,
f(n) = nxlogn = O(n logn)
Quick sort is sensitive to the order of the input data .And it gives the worst case performance when the elements are already in the ascending order .Then it divides the array into sections of 1 and (n-1) elements in each call .Thus there will be (n-1) partitions in all.
The efficiency of quicksort is affected by the initial order of elements .
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1) Divide :Rearrange the elements and split the array into two sub arrays and an element in between .Each element in the left sub array is less than or equal to the middle element and each element in the right sub array is greater than the middle element .
2) Conquer : Recursively sort the two sub arrays .
3) Combine : Combine all the sorted elements in a group to form a list if sorted elements .
Quicksort is a sorting algorithm that also,like merge sort .This algorithm finds the element called pivot , that partitions the array into two halves in such a way that the elements in the left sub array are less then and the elements in the right subarrays are sorted separately .This procedure is recursive in nature with the base criteria,the number of elements in the array are not more than 1.
The main task in quick sort is to find the element that partitions the array into two halves and to place it at its proper location in the array .Usually the procedure places the first element in the array at its appropriate location .
Also check : Depth First search Algorithm
This task is performed as stated below ,
To begin with ,set the index of the first element of the array to 'loc' and 'left' variables and index of the last element of the array to right variable .
Then proceed as follows ,
- Beginning with the element pointed to by right ,the array is scanned from right to left ,comparing each element on the way with the element pointed to by loc , till either ,
- 1) Element smaller than the element pointed to by loc is found .In this case the elements are interchanged and procedure continues with step 2.
- 2) If the value if the right variable becomes equal to the value of loc, the procedure terminates here.This condition indicates that the element is placed at as appropriate position loc .
- Beginning with the element pointed to by left ,the array is scanned from left to right comparing each element on the way with the element pointed to by loc ,till either
- 1) Elements greater than the element pointed to by loc is found .In this case ,the elements are interchanged and procedure continues with step 1.
- 2) If the value of the left variable becomes equal to the value of loc , the procedure terminates here .This condition indicates that the element is placed in its final position loc .
Algorithm for Quick sort :
partitionarray(a , beg ,end ,loc)BeginRecursive algorithm for Quicksort :
Set left=beg, right=end,loc=beg
Set done=false
while(!done) do
while((a[loc]<a[right]) and (loc!=right)) do
Set right=right-1
if(loc=right) then
Set done = true
else if(a[loc]>a[right]) then
Interchange a[loc] and a[right]
Set loc=right
if(!done) then
when (a[loc]>a[left]) and (loc!=left) do
Set left=left+1
if(loc=left) then
Set done=true
else if(a[loc[<a[left]) then
Interchange a[loc] and a[left]
Set loc=left
Quicksortrecursive( a , lb , ub)
BeginHere is a linear array of size n(>1) in memory .This algorithm sorts this array in ascending order using quick sort method .The variable loc is used to hold the index of splitting element .
if(lb<ub) then
Call PartitionArray(a , lb , ub ,loc)
Call Quicksortrecursive(a , lb , loc-1)
Call Quicksortrecursive(a , loc+1 ,ub)
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Program for Quick sort in C C++ ( Implementing quicksort ) :
#include<iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> class array { private: T *a; int size; public: array(int n) { size=n; a=new T[n]; } ~array() { delete[] a; } void inputarray(); void partitionarray(int,int,int &); void quicksortrecursive(int,int); void quicksort(); void outputarray(); }; //Function to imput array elements in quicksort template<class T> void array<T>::inputarray() { int i; cout<<"\nEnter"<<size<<"element of array\n"; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } } //Function to display array into elements in quicksort template<class T> void array<T>::outputarray() { int i; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"t"; } cout<<endl; } //Function to split array partitions in quicksort template<class T> void array<T>::partitionarray(int beg,int end,int & loc) { int left,right,temp; boolean done; loc=left=beg; right=end; done=0; while(!done) { while((a[*loc]<=a[right]) && (*loc!=right)) right--; if(*loc==right) done=1; else if(a[*loc]>a[right]) { temp=a[*loc]; a[*loc]=a[right]; a[right]=temp; *loc=right; } if(!done) { while((a[*loc]>=a[left])&&(*loc!=left)) left++; if(*loc==left) done=1; else if(a[*loc]<a[left]) { temp=a[*loc]; a[*loc]=a[left]; a[left]=temp; *loc=left; } } } } //Recursive function of quicksort program template<class T> void array<T>::quicksortrecursive(int lb,int ub) { int loc; if(lb<ub) { partitionarray(lb,ub,loc); quicksortrecursive(lb,loc-1); quicksortrecursive(loc+1,ub); } } template<class T> void array<T>::quicksort() { quicksortrecursive(0,size-1); } //Main function void main() { int s; cout<<"Enter size of array"; cin>>s; array<int> a(s); a.inputarray(); cout<<"\n Input array is :"; a.outputarray(); a.quicksort(); cout<<"\n Sorted array is :"; a.outputarray(); }
Time Complexity of Quicksort :
To find the location of the element that splits the array into two sections is an O(n) operation , because every element in the array is compared to the dividing element .After the division ,each section is examined seperately .If the array is split approximately in half (which is not usually) , then there will be logn splits .Therefore , the total comparisons are ,
f(n) = nxlogn = O(n logn)
Quick sort is sensitive to the order of the input data .And it gives the worst case performance when the elements are already in the ascending order .Then it divides the array into sections of 1 and (n-1) elements in each call .Thus there will be (n-1) partitions in all.
The efficiency of quicksort is affected by the initial order of elements .
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