Depth First Search is one of the standard ways to traverse a graph . Depth First Search traversal is used by most of the Graph algorithms .
To keep track of the progress , the DFS also uses the same coloring scheme as described for BFS . In addition the DFS makes uses of a stack structure to maintain the order in which the vertices are to be processed , instead of queue
The below algorithm summarizes various steps required to implement the DFS
Also check : Threaded Binary Tree Structures
Final Words !
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Depth First Search :
The Depth First Search ( DFS ) , as its name implies , is to search deeper in the graph , whenever possible . The edgesare explored out of the most recently discovered vertex v that still has unexplored edges leaving it . When all of V's edges have been explored , the search backtracks to explore edges leaving the vertex from which v was discovered . This process continues until we have disocvered all the vertices that are reachable from the source vertex . This algorithm also works on both directed as well as on undirected graphs .To keep track of the progress , the DFS also uses the same coloring scheme as described for BFS . In addition the DFS makes uses of a stack structure to maintain the order in which the vertices are to be processed , instead of queue
The below algorithm summarizes various steps required to implement the DFS
Depth First Search Iterative (adj,n,s):
Here adj is the adjacency list of the graph with n vertices , and vertex s is the source vertex . This algorithm uses a stack STACK , and linear array color of size n , to keep track of the progress of DFS . Its also uses local variables u and ptr .Also check : Threaded Binary Tree Structures
Depth First Search (DFS) Algorithm :
for i=1 to n by 1 do
set color[i]=WHITE
Set color[s]=GRAY
CALL createstack(stack)
Call push(stack,s)
while(Stack is not empty) do
Set u=peek(stack)
Set ptr=adj[u]
while(ptr!=NULL) do
if(color[prt->info]=WHITE) then
Set color[ptr->info]=GRAY
Call push(&stack,ptr->info)
Set u=ptr->info
Set ptr=adj[u]
Set ptr=ptr->next
Call pop(&stack,u)
Print :u
Set color[u]=BLACK
Advantages of DFS :
- It doesn't required to store neighbouring nodes
- If DFS finds solution without exploring much in path then the time and space it takes will be very less .
Disadvantages of DFS :
- The disadvantage of DFS is that there is a possibility that it may go down the left most path forever . One solution to this problem is to impose a cutoff depth on the search .
- DFS is not guaranteed to find the solution .
- It never guaranteed to find a minimal solution if more than one solution exists .
Efficiency :
The time and space analysis of DFS differs according to its application area . DFS is used to traverse an entire graph and takes O(|V|+|E|) time . In these applications it also uses space O(|V|) in the worst case to store the stack of vertices on the current search path as well as the set of already visited vertices .Program for Depth First Search in C :
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define size 20 int a[10][10],vertex[10],n,e; //STACK FUNCTIONS #define bottom -1 int stack[size],top=bottom; int stackempty() { return (top==bottom)?1:0; } int stackfull() { return (top==size-1)?1:0; } void push(int item) { if(stackfull()) printf("Stack is full"); else stack[++top]=item; } int pop() { if(stackempty()) { printf("Stack is empty"); return -1; } else return stack[top--]; } int peep() { if(stackempty()) { printf("Stack is empty"); return -1; } else return stack[top]; } //j is unvisited adjacent vertex to i int adjvertex(int i) { int j; for(j=0;j<n;j++) if(a[i][j]==1&&vertex[j]==0) return j; return n; } int visitall() { int i; for(i=0;i<n;i++) if(vertex[i]==0) return 0; return 1; } //function for DFS void dfs() { int i,j,k,cur=0; for(i=0;i<n;i++) vertex[i]=0; printf("DFS path => V%d",cur+1); push(cur); vertex[cur]=1; while(!visitall()) { do { cur=adjvertex(peep()); if(cur==n) pop(); } while(cur==n&&!stackempty()); if(stackempty()) { printf("Graph is disconnected"); break; } if(cur!=n) { printf("V%d",cur+1); push(cur); vertex[cur]=1; } } } void main() { int i,j,k; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<10;i++) for(j=0;j<10;j++) a[i][j]=0; printf("Enter no. of vertices & edges of undirected graph:"); scanf("%d%d",&n,&e); printf("Enter edges as pair of vertices"); for(k=1;k<=e;k++) { printf("Edge %d =>",k); scanf("%d%d",&i,&j); a[i-1][j-1]=1; } dfs(); getch(); }
Final Words !
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